Fortis Offers:

Depression Therapy

Understanding Depression

What is Depression?

Depression is a mental health condition that affects how you feel, think, and act. It goes beyond just feeling sad or having a bad day. Common symptoms include persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and difficulty concentrating. There are different types of depression, such as Major Depressive Disorder, which involves severe symptoms that interfere with daily life, and Persistent Depressive Disorder, which is a long-term form of depression with less severe symptoms.

Causes of Depression

Depression can be caused by a variety of factors:

Biological Factors: Genetics can play a role in depression. If someone in your family has depression, you might be more likely to have it too. Brain chemistry is also important, as imbalances in certain chemicals in the brain can contribute to depression.

Psychological Factors: Trauma, such as abuse or the loss of a loved one, can trigger depression. Stress and certain personality traits, like low self-esteem, can also increase the risk of developing depression.

Environmental Factors: Your environment can influence depression. Family dynamics, such as a lack of support or conflict, and socio-economic status, like financial struggles or living in a stressful community, can contribute to depression.

Impact of Depression

Depression affects many aspects of life:

Effects on Daily Functioning: Depression can make it hard to go about your daily routine. Simple tasks like getting out of bed, going to work or school, and taking care of yourself can feel overwhelming.

Relationships and Social Life: Depression can strain relationships with family and friends. You might feel isolated or have trouble connecting with others, which can lead to further feelings of loneliness and sadness.

Physical Health: Depression doesn't just affect your mind; it can also impact your body. People with depression might experience aches and pains, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system. It’s important to address both the mental and physical aspects of depression for overall well-being.


Our Approach to Depression Treatment

Holistic Healing

Our approach to treating depression is holistic, meaning we focus on healing the whole person, not just alleviating symptoms. This comprehensive approach considers the interconnectedness of physical health, mental well-being, and social connections, aiming for a balanced and sustained recovery.

Whole Body Interventions: Taking care of your body is an essential part of treating depression. We incorporate nutrition, exercise, and sleep hygiene into our treatment plans. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals can significantly improve mood and energy levels. Regular physical activity, such as walking, running, or yoga, releases endorphins, which are natural mood lifters and can alleviate symptoms of depression. Ensuring good sleep hygiene, like maintaining a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful environment, helps you get the restorative sleep that is crucial for mental health. By focusing on these aspects, we aim to boost your overall physical well-being, which in turn supports your mental health.

Mindfulness and Relaxation Techniques: Practicing mindfulness and relaxation can help reduce stress and improve mental clarity. Techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and yoga can calm the mind and help you feel more centered and in control. Mindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment, which can help you break the cycle of negative thoughts that contribute to depression. Relaxation techniques like progressive muscle relaxation and guided imagery can also help reduce anxiety and promote a sense of calm. By integrating these practices into your daily routine, you can develop healthier coping mechanisms to manage stress and emotional distress.

Relational Interventions: Building and maintaining supportive relationships is key in overcoming depression. We help you enhance your communication skills and foster healthy connections with family and friends. Strong, supportive relationships provide emotional support, increase feelings of belonging, and help buffer against stress. We offer guidance on how to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and build deeper, more meaningful relationships. Additionally, group therapy sessions can provide a sense of community and shared understanding, helping you feel less isolated in your experiences.

Therapeutic Modalities

We use various therapeutic methods to help you manage and overcome depression, tailored to your individual needs:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): This type of therapy helps you identify and change negative thought patterns that contribute to depression. By challenging these thoughts and replacing them with more realistic and positive ones, you can develop healthier ways of thinking and behaving. CBT also teaches practical skills to manage daily stressors and prevent relapse, empowering you to take control of your mental health.

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): ACT focuses on accepting your thoughts and feelings rather than fighting them. It encourages you to commit to actions that align with your values, even in the presence of difficult emotions. By learning to live with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings without letting them dictate your actions, you can lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life. ACT also emphasizes mindfulness and helps you develop psychological flexibility, making it easier to adapt to challenging situations.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT): DBT combines cognitive-behavioral techniques with mindfulness practices. It helps you manage emotions, reduce self-destructive behaviors, and improve relationships through skills like emotional regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness. DBT is particularly effective for individuals who experience intense emotions and have difficulty managing them. By learning these skills, you can improve your ability to handle stress, maintain stable relationships, and achieve emotional balance.

By combining these approaches, we aim to provide comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of your well-being, helping you to recover and thrive. Our goal is to support you on your journey to better mental health, equipping you with the tools and resources you need to lead a happier, healthier life.


Individualized Treatment Plans

Our approach to depression treatment is built on the belief that every individual is unique and deserves a personalized plan that addresses their specific needs and circumstances. We ensure that each treatment plan is tailored to provide the most effective care possible, aiming for long-term recovery and well-being.

Comprehensive Assessments

Before creating a treatment plan, we conduct thorough assessments to understand each client's unique history and needs. This process involves detailed interviews, questionnaires, and sometimes physical exams to gather comprehensive information about your mental and physical health. We consider factors such as past trauma, medical history, lifestyle, and family dynamics. This holistic understanding allows us to see how different aspects of your life interact and contribute to your current state. Additionally, we identify any co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety, PTSD, or substance abuse, which can complicate depression treatment. By recognizing these issues early on, we can integrate appropriate interventions into your plan, ensuring a more cohesive and effective approach to your recovery.

Tailored Interventions

Based on the assessment results, we customize treatment plans to meet your specific needs. These tailored interventions ensure that you receive the most appropriate therapies and support. For instance, if your depression is linked to a specific event or ongoing stressor, we might focus on trauma-informed therapy or stress management techniques. As you progress, we continuously monitor and adjust these strategies to ensure they remain effective. This flexibility allows us to respond to any changes in your condition and optimize your treatment for the best possible outcomes. Whether it's modifying therapy techniques, adjusting medication, or incorporating new therapeutic modalities, our goal is to keep your treatment aligned with your evolving needs. Regular follow-ups and check-ins help us track your progress and make timely adjustments, ensuring that your treatment stays relevant and effective.

Collaborative Approach

We believe that involving clients in the decision-making process is crucial for successful treatment. We work closely with you to set goals and develop a treatment plan that aligns with your preferences and values. This collaborative approach ensures that you feel heard and respected throughout your treatment journey. Regular reviews and feedback sessions are an integral part of our approach, ensuring that you are actively engaged in your recovery process. During these sessions, we discuss your progress, address any concerns, and make necessary adjustments to your treatment plan. We encourage open communication and value your input, as your insights are essential to tailoring the treatment to suit your needs. This collaborative approach fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment, enhancing your commitment to achieving your mental health goals. By working together, we create a supportive environment where you can thrive and make meaningful progress in your recovery.


Depression and Teens

Depression can affect anyone, but teenagers face unique challenges that can make them particularly vulnerable. Understanding and addressing teen depression is crucial for fostering healthy development and well-being. During these formative years, timely intervention and support can significantly impact a teen's mental health and overall life trajectory.

Common Symptoms

Teen depression can manifest in various ways, and recognizing the signs is the first step towards getting help. Common symptoms include persistent sadness, irritability, changes in appetite or sleep patterns, and a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. Teens may also experience difficulty concentrating, feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt, and thoughts of self-harm or suicide. It's important to note that these symptoms can sometimes be mistaken for typical teenage behavior, making it essential to look for patterns and duration of these behaviors. Additionally, teens might show physical symptoms such as unexplained headaches or stomachaches, increased sensitivity to criticism, or sudden declines in academic performance and school participation. Being attentive to these changes can help differentiate between normal adolescent mood swings and more serious mental health issues.

Risk Factors

Several factors can increase the risk of depression in teenagers. These include genetics, a family history of depression, significant life changes, trauma, and high levels of stress. Additionally, teens facing bullying, academic pressure, or social isolation are at a higher risk. Understanding these risk factors can help parents, teachers, and caregivers provide the necessary support and intervention. Other risk factors include chronic illness, family conflict, exposure to violence, and substance abuse. Social media and the pressure to conform to unrealistic standards can also exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and depression. Recognizing these diverse and multifaceted risk factors enables a more comprehensive approach to prevention and care.


Supporting Teens with Depression

Creating a Safe Environment

Providing a safe and supportive environment is crucial for teens dealing with depression. Encourage open communication and let them know it's okay to talk about their feelings without fear of judgment. Listening actively and validating their experiences can help build trust and make them feel understood. It's also important to respect their privacy and give them space when needed. Creating a routine that includes regular check-ins can provide structure and security. Establishing a home environment that emphasizes empathy, patience, and consistent emotional support can significantly enhance a teen's sense of safety and willingness to seek help.

Professional Help

Seeking professional help is often necessary for teens with depression. Therapists and counselors who specialize in adolescent mental health can provide tailored interventions. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other therapeutic modalities can help teens develop healthy coping mechanisms and address negative thought patterns. In some cases, medication may be recommended to help manage symptoms. Early intervention can prevent the escalation of depression and reduce the risk of long-term mental health issues. Comprehensive treatment plans often involve regular therapy sessions, family counseling, and possibly coordination with school counselors to ensure a supportive environment across all areas of the teen's life. Collaborating with medical professionals to monitor progress and make adjustments to the treatment plan is also essential for effective care.

Promoting Healthy Habits

Encouraging healthy habits can also support teens in managing depression. Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are essential for overall well-being. Physical activities like sports, dance, or even regular walks can boost mood and energy levels. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, can help reduce stress and improve emotional regulation. Encouraging hobbies and activities that the teen enjoys can also provide a sense of accomplishment and purpose. Creating a structured daily routine that includes time for relaxation, hobbies, and social interactions can help stabilize mood and reduce the impact of stressors. It's important to educate teens about the connection between lifestyle choices and mental health, empowering them to make informed decisions about their well-being.


Involving Parents and Caregivers of Depressed Teens

Education and Awareness

Educating parents and caregivers about teen depression is vital for effective support. Understanding the signs and symptoms, as well as the available treatment options, can empower them to take appropriate action. Workshops, support groups, and educational resources can provide valuable information and guidance. Parents and caregivers should also be aware of the impact of their own behavior and attitudes on their teen's mental health. Modeling healthy coping strategies and maintaining open lines of communication can make a significant difference. Providing information on how to access mental health services and crisis resources ensures that parents are prepared to act quickly in emergencies.

Collaborative Approach

A collaborative approach involving parents, caregivers, teachers, and mental health professionals can create a comprehensive support system for teens. Regular communication and cooperation among these key figures ensure that the teen receives consistent and holistic care. This team-based strategy can help address the various aspects of their life that may contribute to or be affected by depression. Schools can play a crucial role by offering counseling services and creating a supportive academic environment. Mental health professionals can provide ongoing therapy and monitor progress, while parents and caregivers offer daily emotional support and encouragement. By working together, this network of support can help teens navigate their challenges and build resilience, leading to better outcomes in their mental health journey. Creating a shared plan with clear goals and responsibilities ensures that everyone involved is aligned and committed to the teen's well-being.


Children and Depression

Depression in children is a serious issue that requires prompt attention and care. While it might be harder to recognize in young children compared to adults, understanding the signs and providing appropriate support can significantly impact their overall development and quality of life.

Symptoms of Depression in Children

Children may not always express their feelings in the same way adults do, which can make identifying depression challenging. Common symptoms include persistent sadness or irritability, withdrawal from activities they once enjoyed, changes in eating and sleeping patterns, and difficulty concentrating. Additionally, children might exhibit physical complaints like headaches or stomachaches that don’t have a clear medical cause. Behavioral changes such as increased clinginess, frequent crying, or unexplained tantrums can also be indicators of depression. Recognizing these signs early can help in seeking appropriate interventions and support.

Factors Contributing to Childhood Depression

Several factors can contribute to depression in children. Genetics play a role, as children with a family history of depression are more susceptible. Environmental factors, such as exposure to trauma, significant life changes like the loss of a loved one, or family conflict, can also trigger depression. Additionally, social factors such as bullying, academic pressure, and difficulties in peer relationships can contribute to feelings of depression. Understanding these contributing factors can help caregivers create a more supportive environment and address the root causes of their child’s distress.


Supporting Children with Depression

Creating a Nurturing Environment

Creating a nurturing and stable environment is crucial for children dealing with depression. Ensure that your child feels safe and loved by maintaining open communication and encouraging them to express their feelings. Provide consistent routines to give them a sense of stability and security. Positive reinforcement and encouragement can help boost their self-esteem and sense of worth. It's also important to limit exposure to stressful situations and ensure they have a supportive network of family and friends.

Seeking Professional Help

Professional help is often essential for children with depression. Child psychologists and counselors can provide specialized care tailored to young children’s needs. Therapies such as play therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help children understand and manage their emotions. In some cases, family therapy may be recommended to address dynamics that might be contributing to the child’s depression. Early intervention is key to preventing the escalation of symptoms and promoting healthy emotional development. Regular follow-ups and a coordinated approach involving parents, teachers, and healthcare providers ensure comprehensive support for the child.

Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Encouraging healthy lifestyle habits is important for children’s mental health. Ensure your child gets regular physical activity, as exercise can improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression. A balanced diet rich in nutrients supports overall brain health. Adequate sleep is crucial, so establish a consistent bedtime routine to help your child get the rest they need. Engaging in creative activities like drawing, music, or sports can provide an outlet for their emotions and help reduce stress. Teaching mindfulness and relaxation techniques can also help children manage anxiety and enhance their emotional regulation skills.


Involving Parents and Caregivers in Depression Treatment

Education and Awareness

Educating parents and caregivers about childhood depression is vital for effective support. Understanding the signs and symptoms, as well as the available treatment options, can empower them to take appropriate action. Workshops, support groups, and educational resources can provide valuable information and guidance. Being aware of how family dynamics and parenting styles can impact a child’s mental health is also crucial. Parents should strive to model healthy coping strategies and maintain a positive home environment.

Collaborative Approach

A collaborative approach involving parents, caregivers, teachers, and mental health professionals is essential for supporting a child with depression. Regular communication and cooperation among these key figures ensure that the child receives consistent and holistic care. This team-based strategy can help address the various aspects of their life that may contribute to or be affected by depression. Schools can offer counseling services and create a supportive academic environment, while mental health professionals provide ongoing therapy and monitor progress. Parents and caregivers play a critical role in offering daily emotional support and encouragement. By working together, this network of support can help children navigate their challenges and build resilience, leading to better outcomes in their mental health journey. Creating a shared plan with clear goals and responsibilities ensures that everyone involved is aligned and committed to the child’s well-being.


Our Therapeutic Community

Our therapeutic community is designed to provide a nurturing and supportive environment where individuals can heal and grow. We believe that recovery is a journey best taken with the guidance and support of experienced professionals and a compassionate community.

Supportive Environment

We strive to create a safe and non-judgmental space for healing, where clients feel respected and understood. Our therapeutic community is built on the principles of empathy, confidentiality, and acceptance. We understand that opening up about your struggles can be difficult, so we work hard to foster an atmosphere where you can share your experiences without fear of judgment. This supportive environment allows you to explore your feelings, challenges, and goals freely, knowing that you are surrounded by people who genuinely care about your well-being and are committed to helping you on your path to recovery.

Expert Team of Therapists

Our team of therapists is composed of highly skilled and compassionate professionals dedicated to providing the highest quality care. Meet our experienced therapists, who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to our community. Each therapist has specialized training in various therapeutic modalities, ensuring that we can offer a broad range of treatments tailored to your specific needs. Our team includes licensed clinical psychologists, counselors, and social workers, all of whom are committed to ongoing professional development. Their credentials and specialties include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), trauma-informed care, and more. With their diverse backgrounds and extensive experience, our therapists are well-equipped to support you through every stage of your healing journey.

Client-Centered Care

At the heart of our therapeutic community is a commitment to client-centered care. We believe in putting clients’ needs and goals first, ensuring that your treatment plan is aligned with your personal values and aspirations. Our approach is based on the principle that you are the expert in your own life, and our role is to support and guide you. We empower clients in their journey by actively involving you in the decision-making process and encouraging your input and feedback. This collaborative approach ensures that your voice is heard and respected, and that your treatment is truly personalized. By focusing on your strengths and potential, we help you build resilience and develop the skills needed to overcome challenges and achieve lasting recovery. Our goal is to provide a supportive and empowering environment where you can thrive and reach your full potential.


Get Started on Your Journey Towards Total Well-being

Are you ready to take the first step towards a healthier, happier life? Our therapists who are trained to treat depression are here to support you on your journey towards total well-being. Don't wait any longer to invest in your mental health and well-being. Take action today and start your journey towards a brighter tomorrow. We're here to support you every step of the way.

It’s easy to get started:

  1. Schedule an appointment with our client care team

  2. Meet with your caring therapist

  3. Start feeling more in control of your life!

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 Other Therapy Services Offered in Leavenworth, Overland Park, Ottawa, KS, and throughout Kansas and Missouri

If you're looking for additional services in addition to or instead of Depression Treatment, Fortis offers a range of options to support your mental health and well-being. Our therapists specialize in a variety of areas, including Couples Therapy and Marriage Counseling, EMDR therapy, family therapy, and trauma therapy. Whether you're dealing with anxiety, relationship issues, or trauma, our team is here to provide you with the compassionate care and effective strategies you need to thrive. With Fortis, you can find the support you need to overcome life's challenges and live a more fulfilling life.

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