Fortis Offers:

EMDR and Trauma Treatment

Exploring EMDR and Its Benefits

A group of friends hold each other on a hill. Are you exploring EMDR in Ottawa, KS and want to learn more about it? Speak with an EMDR therapist to see how it can help you!

What is EMDR?

Explore the incredible benefits of EMDR therapy. EMDR  is an evidence-based therapy that has been used successfully to treat many stress-related conditions. EMDR taps into your brain's natural ability to recover, helping you process and move past difficult memories. EMDR therapy has shown remarkable effectiveness in addressing a wide range of disturbing experiences and symptoms. This offers relief from issues such as anxiety, depression, phobias, and even chronic pain.

EMDR therapy focuses on helping you process traumatic or disturbing memories. This is done in order to reduce distress and symptoms. When experiences get "stuck" in the brain, they can lead to ongoing emotional distress. It can also lead to negative beliefs and physical symptoms. EMDR works to help the brain process these memories in a more adaptive way. This allows individuals to incorporate them into their life story without as much pain or difficulty.

In the initial stages of therapy, you and your EMDR therapist work together to pinpoint specific memories or experiences causing distress. These may be situations contributing to your current symptoms or challenges. Once identified, the therapist leads you through bilateral stimulation exercises. These can involve various techniques such as eye movements, tactile sensations, or auditory cues.

This bilateral stimulation mimics the brain's natural processing during the REM sleep phase. This is where information from the day is integrated. By combining bilateral stimulation with recalling distressing memories, EMDR aims to unlock and reprocess this stuck information. This process facilitates its distressing material into healthier memory networks. 


What Can EMDR Help With?

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a powerful therapeutic approach. It is designed to help you overcome a wide range of mental health challenges and emotional struggles. Whether you're dealing with trauma, anxiety, depression, or other complex issues, EMDR can provide the relief and healing you deserve.

Anxiety and Related Disorders:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Panic Disorder

  • Phobias (including social anxiety/phobia)

  • Performance Anxiety (e.g., in sports, work, or public speaking)

  • Stress-Related Issues

Physical and Somatic Concerns:

  • Pain Management

  • Sleep Disturbances or Nightmares related to trauma

Dissociative Disorders:

  • Dissociation and Dissociative Disorders

Relationship and Interpersonal Issues:

  • Infidelity

  • Conflict

  • Other Relational Issues

Trauma and Stress-Related Disorders:

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  • Complex Trauma (multiple traumatic events)

  • Childhood Trauma

  • Sexual Assault or Abuse

  • Physical Assault or Abuse

  • Emotional Abuse

  • Grief and Loss

  • Disturbing Memories

  • Negative Self-Beliefs (e.g., feelings of worthlessness)

  • Adjustment Disorders (difficulty adjusting to major life changes)

Mood Disorders:

  • Depression

  • Panic Attacks

  • Low Self-Esteem

Anger and Behavioral Issues:

  • Anger Management

  • Substance Abuse and Addiction

Imagine a life where past traumas no longer haunt you, where anxiety and depression are manageable, and where you can face life's challenges with confidence and resilience. EMDR can help you achieve that life.


Frequently Asked Questions about EMDR

Two women stand on a beach together and hold each other as they smile. Heard about EMDR in Ottawa, KS and want to learn how it can help you? Speak with an EMDR therapist to figure out if EMDR therapy is the right fit for you.

How is EMDR different from other therapies?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of therapy that stands out from other treatments. Mainly because of its unique approach to addressing trauma and distressing memories. Unlike traditional talk therapies, which primarily rely on a conversation between the therapist and the client, EMDR incorporates specific eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation (like hand taps or auditory tones). This is done to help process traumatic memories.

In a typical EMDR session, the therapist will ask the client to focus on a troubling memory. While the client thinks about this memory, the therapist will guide them through a series of side-to-side eye movements, or sometimes taps or sounds. The idea is that these movements help the brain reprocess the memory. This makes it less intense and easier to manage. Over time, the emotional charge associated with the memory often decreases. Thus the client can start to think about the event in a more detached and less distressing way.

One of the main differences between EMDR and other therapies is how quickly it can work. Some people experience significant relief in just a few sessions. While other therapies, like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), might require more time to see substantial results. EMDR also doesn't involve a lot of talking about the traumatic event in detail. This can be a big relief for people who find it too painful to discuss their experiences at length.

Additionally, EMDR is particularly effective for trauma and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). While other therapies also treat these conditions, EMDR’s focus on reprocessing memories distinguishes it from other methods like psychodynamic therapy, which delves into unconscious thoughts and feelings, or exposure therapy, which involves gradual exposure to the traumatic memory.

How long does EMDR treatment take?

Overall, EMDR offers a different path to healing by using the brain’s natural ability to process and heal from trauma. This makes it a valuable option for those struggling with the effects of distressing experiences.

The length of EMDR treatment can vary depending on the individual and their specific issues. Some people might start to feel better after just a few sessions, especially if their trauma is less severe. However, others might need more sessions, especially if they have multiple or complex traumas. The overall treatment might take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. It really depends on your personal needs and how well you respond to the therapy. Your therapist will work with you to create a plan that's right for you.

What should I do to prepare for an EMDR session?

To prepare for an EMDR session, try to come with an open mind and be ready to focus on your thoughts and feelings. It's helpful to get a good night's sleep before your session and wear comfortable clothing. You don't need to do anything special, but you might want to think about any specific memories or issues you want to work on. It's also good to practice some relaxation techniques, like deep breathing, to help you stay calm during the session.

Are there any side effects of EMDR?

Yes, there can be some side effects of EMDR, but they are usually mild. After a session, you might feel tired or emotionally drained. Some people also experience vivid dreams or feel more sensitive than usual. These side effects are normal and usually go away on their own. If you ever feel very uncomfortable or have any concerns, you should talk to your therapist about it.

Do I have to tell my therapist about the details of my struggles in order for them to be processed?

No, you don't have to tell your therapist all the details of your struggles for them to be processed, especially in EMDR therapy. During EMDR sessions, the therapist will guide you to focus on the memory or issue without needing to share every detail. Instead, you'll concentrate on the emotions and sensations you feel while following the therapist's instructions, like moving your eyes back and forth. This method helps your brain process the memory. It also helps reduce its emotional impact without needing to talk about it in detail.

Will EMDR work for me?

Whether EMDR will work for you depends on various factors. These can include the nature of your experiences, your readiness for therapy, and your individual response to the treatment.

An initial assessment by a qualified therapist trained in EMDR is essential. This is to determine if this approach aligns with your needs and goals. During this assessment, the therapist will evaluate your specific situation and discuss your expectations for therapy. Together, you'll explore whether EMDR is suitable for you and if it complements your overall treatment plan. Your therapist will work collaboratively with you. This is done to ensure that you receive the most appropriate and effective treatment for your unique circumstances.


Supporting Veterans Through EMDR Therapy in Leavenworth, KS

An older veteran man salutes with his uniform on. Want to learn how EMDR in Ottawa, KS can help you as a veteran? Speak to an EMDR therapist today to see if it is right for you!

EMDR Intervention for Veterans in Leavenworth, KS

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy can be a highly effective treatment if you are a veteran dealing with the aftermath of traumatic experiences. For veterans like you in Leavenworth, EMDR offers a promising path to healing from the psychological wounds of war and service. This evidence-based therapy harnesses your brain’s natural capacity to process and integrate traumatic memories. This enables you to move past distressing experiences and reclaim your life.

Addressing the Lingering Effects of Deployment

As a veteran, you may return home carrying the seen and unseen wounds of your experience. This often manifests as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, marital struggles, and other mental health challenges. Traditional talk therapies can be helpful, but they sometimes fall short in addressing the deeply ingrained memories and emotions associated with traumatic events.  Over the years, while working with veterans, we also noticed a pattern of reluctance to share traumatic experiences to protect others. EMDR allows you to process these events without having to share or recount them in detail if you prefer. 

In Leavenworth, a community with a rich military history, the availability of EMDR therapy is particularly significant for you. Veterans living here can access specialized care designed to address their unique experiences. During EMDR sessions, you will work with therapists to identify and focus on specific distressing memories. Through a series of bilateral stimulation techniques, such as guided eye movements, taps, or auditory tones, your brain is stimulated to reprocess these memories. This process mimics the natural healing mechanisms that occur during REM sleep. This facilitates the integration of traumatic memories into a broader, less distressing context.

Tailored and Effective Care

The benefits of EMDR for veterans like you are profound. It not only alleviates the symptoms of PTSD but also helps with related issues such as guilt, anger, and self-blame. You might find that EMDR helps you regain a sense of control over your life. This reduces hypervigilance, improves sleep, and enhances overall well-being. 

Furthermore, EMDR’s structured yet flexible approach allows it to be tailored to your needs. This ensures that therapy is both effective and respectful of your individual experiences. Engaging in EMDR therapy can provide a fresh sense of optimism and the possibility of a future unburdened by the past.

Honoring Your Service

EMDR therapy provides a crucial lifeline if you are dealing with the lingering effects of trauma. In Leavenworth, the availability of EMDR services is a testament to the ongoing commitment to support those who have served. Fortis extends these services to the community of Olathe, ensuring access to the same high-quality care and support. We appreciate you and thank you for your service.


The Impact of EMDR Therapy on First Responder Well-Being in Olathe, KS

A group of firefighters with their uniforms on smiling together. Want to learn the impact EMDR in Ottawa, KS has on first responders? Reach out now to learn more about EMDR therapy for you!

As a first responder in Olathe or Overland Park, you'll find that EMDR therapy offers a powerful means to address the challenging experiences you encounter on the job. Whether you're responding to emergencies as a firefighter, police officer, dispatcher, or paramedic, you often face intense situations. These situations can leave a lasting impact on your well-being. With EMDR, you'll discover a structured approach. One that helps you process these experiences and lessen their burden.

For you, EMDR can be instrumental in addressing the cumulative effects of repeated exposure to trauma. As someone who witnesses or experiences distressing events regularly, you may find that these experiences can lead to symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, or depression. Through EMDR therapy, you can target these distressing memories. All while working towards integrating them in a way that reduces their emotional intensity and power.

The Benefits of EMDR for First Responders

We often see first responders come in for a few sessions if they have additional disturbing experiences so as not to continue to accumulate trauma. Recognizing the unique challenges you face, we provide a space for you to process the emotional toll of your work. By addressing these experiences early on, we aim to prevent the accumulation of these disturbing experiences. This helps promote ongoing wellness for your long-term well-being.

Furthermore, EMDR equips you with valuable coping skills. These help you to manage stress and maintain mental resilience in your daily life. By directly addressing and processing the experiences within a professional support framework; you'll be able to develop healthier ways of responding to the challenges inherent in your role as a first responder. EMDR provides you with a comprehensive approach to supporting your mental health and well-being as a first responder in Olathe or Overland Park.

Additionally, one of Fortis’s founders runs a local trauma recovery group dedicated to serving first responders in both Olathe and Overland Park. This underscores our commitment to supporting those in your line of work. We are committed to serving you, the first responders, as you selflessly serve others.


EMDR for Adolescents in Liberty, MO

A woman smiles while looking up with eyes closed in a forest. Want to see how EMDR in ottawa, KS can improve your life? Reach out to learn more about how EMDR therapy could help you move forward.

Understanding Adolescence

Our certified counselors specialize in various areas of mental health. These include substance abuse, family therapy, and child and adolescent counseling. They undergo rigorous training and continuous professional development. All to provide effective therapeutic interventions tailored to each individual's needs. Our counselors offer compassionate support and guidance. This helps clients navigate challenges and develop coping skills to improve their well-being.

Recognizing the Need for Support

Adolescents may encounter various stressors and traumatic experiences during this pivotal stage of development. These could include bullying, social exclusion, and family conflicts. They can also include academic pressures or even more severe traumas like abuse or neglect. It's essential to recognize that these experiences can significantly impact their mental health and overall well-being.

Introducing EMDR Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful therapeutic approach. It is tailored to meet the unique challenges of adolescents. EMDR helps teens process and reframe traumatic memories. This is done through guided eye movements or other forms of bilateral stimulation. This method allows the brain to reprocess these distressing memories. It reduces their emotional impact and fosters healthier coping mechanisms. By addressing the root causes of their distress, EMDR can help adolescents alleviate symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD. We offer EMDR therapy in Liberty, MO, providing a safe space for teens to work through their emotions. All without the need to verbalize every painful detail. EMDR empowers adolescents in Liberty, MO, to enhance their emotional strength, improve their self-esteem, and navigate the complexities of their developmental stage with greater confidence and emotional stability.

Empowering Adolescents

EMDR therapy empowers adolescents to take an active role in their healing journey. This is done by facilitating the resolution of past traumas. It also empowers them to cultivate resilience and adaptive coping strategies. Encouraging their autonomy, self-expression, and self-efficacy fosters a sense of empowerment. It also gives them agency in navigating their challenges.


Empowering Children: Exploring EMDR Therapy for Young Minds in Ottawa, KS

A child smiles while he is outside. Speak with an EMDR therapist today to learn how EMDR in Ottawa, KS can even help children!

EMDR therapy can be really helpful for kids in Ottawa who have gone through tough things like bullying, accidents, or family problems. It's a special kind of therapy that helps them feel better by talking about their feelings and memories while doing simple activities, like tapping or following lights. EMDR can make those bad memories feel less scary and easier to deal with. These activities help their brains process the memories in a way that makes them less scary.

EMDR can make those hard memories feel less overwhelming. Lots of kids find that after EMDR, they can sleep better, feel less anxious, and do better in school. It's like giving their brains a big hug and helping them feel stronger.

Many kids who try EMDR find that they sleep better, feel less anxious, and have fewer nightmares. It's like giving their brains a big hug and helping them feel stronger. Plus, EMDR doesn't involve taking any medicine or doing anything painful. It's just a way for kids to talk about their feelings and start feeling better with the help of a special therapist.

Building Social and Emotional Strength Through EMDR

In addition to the remarkable benefits mentioned above, EMDR Therapy for children in Ottawa offers a crucial opportunity. One that allows for early intervention and prevention. By addressing traumatic experiences and emotional struggles in childhood, EMDR helps lay a foundation for resilient mental health and well-being in adulthood. By providing children with the tools to process and manage their emotions effectively, EMDR equips them with invaluable coping skills that can last a lifetime. This proactive approach not only alleviates immediate distress but also sets the stage for a future marked by emotional resilience and thriving.

Our dedicated team is committed to fostering this proactive approach. We support children in building the social and emotional strength they need to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience. In Ottawa, our dedicated team understands the unique needs of children facing adversity.  We are proud to offer EMDR therapy as an alternative and effective form of treatment.  By providing EMDR  services we aim to support children’s overall social and emotional well-being. 


Why EMDR Is Worth a Try: The Impact, Success, and Life-Changing Results

A couple smile in the park together while walking. See how EMDR in Ottawa, KS can create life changing results for you. Speak with an EMDR therapist today!

Proven Success in Treating Various Conditions

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) has emerged as a groundbreaking therapeutic approach. It offers hope and healing to countless individuals worldwide. Unlike traditional therapies, EMDR targets the root causes of psychological distress. This enables profound and lasting effects. The impact of EMDR is truly remarkable. This makes it worth considering for anyone seeking relief from mental health struggles.

One of the most compelling reasons to try EMDR is its proven success in treating a wide range of conditions. Clinical studies and real-life experiences consistently show that EMDR can effectively address numerous issues. Individuals who have undergone EMDR therapy frequently report substantial symptom relief. This enables them to lead more fulfilling and enriched lives. Clients and clinicians alike continue to witness the efficacy of EMDR. This reinforces its status as a powerful tool for healing and growth.

Unique Methodology for Rapid Results

The success of EMDR lies in its unique methodology. By guiding clients through the series of bilateral stimulations therapists reprocess triggering memories and distressing thoughts. This unconventional technique not only diminishes the emotional charge attached to painful memories but also fosters a rapid shift toward healing and resilience. EMDR's method paves the way for accelerated progress. This offers relief from psychological struggles. Beyond its efficacy, EMDR is celebrated for its rapid results. Many clients notice improvements after just a few sessions. This is a stark contrast to the lengthy timelines often associated with traditional talk therapies. This efficiency makes EMDR an attractive option for those eager to see quick and tangible progress.

Transformative Power and Lasting Benefits

The transformative power of EMDR extends beyond symptom reduction. Clients frequently describe secondary benefits. These include enhanced self-esteem, improved relationships, and a greater overall sense of well-being. By addressing deep-seated issues, EMDR helps individuals break free from negative patterns. It also helps them build overall enhanced mental health.

Moreover, EMDR's versatility makes it suitable for a diverse range of people. Whether you're dealing with trauma, stress-related issues, or performance anxiety, EMDR can be tailored to meet your specific needs. This adaptability ensures that therapy is relevant and effective, regardless of the nature of your concerns.

Take the First Step Toward Healing

The impact, success, and life-changing results of EMDR make it a therapy worth trying. Its ability to address a broad spectrum of mental health issues, combined with its rapid and enduring benefits, offers a promising path to healing. If you're seeking a therapy that not only alleviates symptoms but also promotes deep and lasting change, EMDR might be the solution you've been looking for. Embrace the possibility of a brighter future—consider giving EMDR a try. Discover the profound difference it can make in your life.


Get Answers to Your EMDR Questions with Fortis in Kansas & Missouri Today!

Ready to take the first step towards better mental health? At Fortis, our experienced team of professionals is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're seeking a mental health evaluation, couples therapy, or individual counseling, we offer personalized and compassionate care tailored to your unique needs. Take the opportunity to invest in your well-being by learning more about EMDR and Trauma Treatment in Kansas & Missouri. Together, we can work towards overcoming challenges, fostering growth, and building a happier, healthier future. It is easy to get started:

  1. Reach out to schedule an intake session.

  2. Meet with an EMDR therapist who will conduct your evaluation.

  3. Get on the right path to healing.

~ OR ~

Complete the form below:


Other Therapy Services Offered in Leavenworth, Overland Park, Olathe, Ottawa, KS, and throughout Kansas and Missouri

If you seek therapeutic assistance beyond EMDR Therapy, Fortis provides a diverse array of services to nurture your mental health and overall well-being. Our therapists are proficient in various specialties, such as couple therapy and marriage counseling, as well as individual therapy. We also offer family therapy, anxiety treatment, and DBT therapy. Whether you're grappling with anxiety, depression, relational struggles, or trauma, our dedicated team is committed to you. We offer empathetic support and practical techniques to empower you. At Fortis, we aim to equip you with the resources necessary to surmount life's obstacles. Embrace a richer, more satisfying existence by reaching out today.